Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Rehabilitation Services , Department of Human Services

Older Blind Independent Living Program

The goal of this program is to maximize the independence of older individuals, whether they be in their own homes, in the homes of others, in assistive living centers or in nursing homes, by arranging for services and teaching them the techniques needed to be as fully functioning as possible. 

These services include:

  • Case management for individuals who are over the age of 55 and not interested in employment;
  • Direct services include rehabilitation teaching in activities of daily living, counseling, sunglass evaluations, orientation and mobility, evaluations with magnifiers and other low vision devices, information and referral to appropriate community agencies, and provision of adaptive equipment (with an income requirement for the purchase of equipment);
  • Services coordinated include ophthalmological and low vision evaluations, hearing aid evaluations, support groups, bathroom safety evaluations, property and income tax exemptions, and directory assistance exemptions;
  • Referral for outside services include IN-Sight Radio, the Veteran’s Administration, IN-Sight in-house rehabilitation program, senior centers, handicapped parking exemptions, financial benefits such as SSI, food stamps and Medicaid, the Talking Book Program, NFB Newsline, as well as other community based service programs.